Monday, March 15, 2010

Tiny purple flower

Tiny purple flower
Originally uploaded by peachykeen86
I love this picture and not just because the flower is purple!!!

I went to the local public gardens recently and took a bunch of great photos, but this one is my favorite. I like that it represents the change of seasons, showing how Spring is trying to struggle itself out right now from the remnants of fall and this horrible winter.

I identify with that flower, pushing itself out of all the muck surrounding it (for me, all the bullshit that I've had to go through for the past year and a half), putting itself out there, and standing strong. It will soon be greeted by its other purple flower friends, but it's kind of like the pioneer flower, showing its fellows that it's okay to come out now -- Spring is almost here!!!! Hooray :-)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow-covered wind chime

Hello all, I know it's been awhile. It's just been too cold for picture taking, but Snowmageddon forced me to bring my camera out.

We've had several feet of snow over the past couple of weeks which has devastated our region but made for some beautiful photography. Check out my Flickr page for more shots.

This is my favorite picture because of the snow-covered wind chime, the roof, the icicles (which have gotten 5x bigger since then), and the continuing snowfall. How fitting is it that the wind chime is of a sun?

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Snowstorm of Dec. '09

View down the street
Originally uploaded by peachykeen86
We had a record snowfall a couple of weeks ago. Snow isn't something new to my area, but when it's more than a foot of snow... well, that's something new.

This is the view down my street two days after the snow stopped falling. You can see how high up the snow is in comparison to the street. Unbelievable.

I took many pictures around my neighborhood that day, but this is probably my favorite. The trees are phenomenal and I love the color of the sky.

You should check out some of the other photos I took on my Flickr page.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Parc Monceau

I took this picture more than two years ago. Wow, it's been two and half years since I was in Paris. CRAZY.

This is a photograph of this coliseum like thing they have built at one end of the Parc Monceau in the 8eme arrondissement on the right bank. I see it as a "classier" park simply because it's on the right bank but that may not be true. I'm no Parisian.

You may be interested to know that this picture was picked up by the travel site and was chosen (along with a few others) to represent the Parc Monceau! Here's the link:

Maybe I do have a little bit of talent, although I think I just randomly ended up taking a good picture. It happens.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Casa Batlló

This is a photograph I took during my way too brief stay in Barcelona.

The building photographed is Casa Batlló, a late 19th century home which was renovated (and made wonderful!) by Gaudi in 1904. Antoni Gaudi is my absolute favorite architect and was part of the "el modernismo" movement, which was Spain's take on art nouveau.

I can't wait to go back to Barcelona in the future. The city is gorgeous and a large part of that is due to Gaudi's architecture. It was very difficult choosing which photograph to post because I took many pictures of Gaudi's work while I was there. Go on over to my Flickr site to check out more.

If I had to choose my absolute favorite Gaudi "piece," I'd say the Parc Guell (although it's clear that the Casa Batlló is gorgeous) because it is an entire city park that he designed. I looooove city parks.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Stella at the Creek

Stella at the Creek
Originally uploaded by peachykeen86
I finally decided this was going to be the picture to inaugurate this page.

There's a fantastic creek literally seconds from my house (on foot) and I invited my friend and her dog, Stella, to take a walk with me. The creek is fairly large and extends for miles, although I'm not sure how many.

My friend and I managed to get pretty lost while we were down there, but it was nothing like the time I got lost for two hours when I was in high school and ended up in a strange man's backyard.